Wednesday 11 January 2012

M3 Ch4 Printed Lines

I enjoyed this chapter very much and hope the time spent playing will encourage me to use more printing in my work.  I liked making my own stamp pads too although the lids on the pots I used didn't stop the ink drying out at all which was disappointing.
A.3.4.1 Trying different tools
This is where the fun begins, all the little pictures.  Shame the green acrylic ink bled through though.  I am also enjoying working in a square book, it's very satisfying getting 4 squares on a page and it just feels nice.  The liney block overlapping sqaure didn't really work but the sponge dauber was really pleasing.

I like the lines the folded card made, very ferny, especially in green.

A.3.4.1  I really had trouble trying to get zigzags that looked like zigzags when printed together but I quite like the results of the bronze one.

This is my favourite page, especially the red folded card square.  The black zigzags worked here too with the lines more distinct from each other.

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