Monday 7 January 2013

M5 Ch4 Your Own Face

A5.4.1. Touch Drawing. I find I am approaching each activity in this module with a 'go for it' attitude being not that confident at drawing.  Dithering doesn't help.  This is very evident in this activity!  It at first seemed impossible but the second go shows that you can do better so if I did 100 drawings it might not be too bad. 

A5.4.2. Continuous Line Drawing.  This was really tricky but, like the last one, good fun if not taken too seriously. 

A.5.4.3. Observed self-portrait drawing.  Good job Viv doesn't know what I look like, I could pretend it's a good likeness.  I decided to put my glasses on as they gave a good marker when looking in the mirror.  The only trouble with that is that I'm looking down which makes me a bit more jowly than I am.  My husband reckons my nose is a bit wide too.  Anyway, I'm generally quite happy with the result as a first try ever.

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