Tuesday, 19 February 2013

M5 Ch7 Bodies and Movement

A5.7.1/2 Body proportions and articulated figures. I enjoyed making my 'man' then increased the size and made a bigger man with the idea of making big pictures.

A5.7.3 Poses.  The drawn figures reminded me of rock paintings and ghosts and a good excuse to use colours I love.  Picture 1 Dancing. Water colours.

Picture 2 Jumping.  Dye based paints and printing ink.

Picture 3 Ghosts. Woven background and tissue figures

Picture 4 Yoga- Tree. Acrylic background, paper bag figures with walnut ink.  I made a lovely background (seen at the top) and the figures looked good in the bag colour.  I then decide to screw them up (which I liked) and wash with walnut ink so the ink ran into the cracks.  However the ink was too dark so the figures didn't show on the background so I had to make another.
Picture 5. Left over figures from the last picture, arms and legs woven to make a muddle.

Picture 6. Fragments of the Past.  Following on from cutting up my mask picture.

 I thought this looked a lovely thing to do with children, so tried it out with Poppy, and it was a great success. She decided on a collage background and to make 'proper' people using felt tips.  We blu-tacked the figures on the paper so she could draw round them without help.  It was a great exercise in body awareness for both of us and how you actually do something.  She was a very ready model to demonstrate cartwheels and head over heels.  We even got Mum draw a man although Poppy couldn't understand not giving them hair and faces.  May need to show her some famous artists who haven't either.

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