Tuesday, 29 March 2011

M1 Ch7 Simple Printing

A7.Fruit prints. 1 I love the star pattern inside an apple, it always amazes me how perfect it is.  No striking results but I just fiddled.

I like the colour combination on the left.  The right on the paper towel was just to see how many prints  could get from one application and watching the print get paler.

Thought I'd try a lemon.  Left it in the sun for a couple of days, then to add the green I scraped the flesh out leaving the pith.  A bit fiddly but I like the delicate results.  Felt the slice in between unnecessary.  Lemon only held out for one page.

A7.2 Potato prints. Should have been more generous with the paint.  I like the way the colour fades but 2 not 3 prints would have been better.

Disappointed by the gold but feel the red makes up for it.

Trying fabric paints.

Different papers - tissue, brown bag, polystyrene (needed paper underneath to show the pale colours)

A7.3 Card prints. 
Wish the yellow and green had blended more.

I love the hessian print, although the cotton and satin look better in real life!

Think the orange on newspaper worked but the others just merge too much.  The ones on fabric which overlap are better where I left one colour to dry, then printed in a different one.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

M1 Ch.6 Colour Matching

Sorry they are all upside down.  There must be a way to turn them once they are on the blog but I can't find anything.  I really need someone who 'blogs' to come and give me a lesson.

A.6.2 Most of the hard work being done this was a lovely relaxing exercise.  'Taking your pencil for a walk' is an exercise I've often done with small children.

E.A This one actually is the right way up although I guess this one doesn't matter.

More Ch5 S.C. and S

For some reason I couldn't add more pictures so these are scanned pages of my scrapbook.

The scanner was much kinder to the purple.



M1. Ch 5 Stack. Cut and Stick

A.5.1 Not sure a strawberry was the most exciting shape I could have chosen but it was interesting watching different shapes emerge depending on the cut. 

It's a shame my camera has turned my lovely rich purple into blue!
The yellow/green on purple(blue) just looked like a 6 legged octopus so I had to include it

 I was very pleased when I noticed the strawberry shadows that appeared as I was turning the page of my scrapbook when the sun was shining through it and just had to take a photo.  In some ways it's my favourite page.

A.5.2 I spent a long time fiddling with the different shapes and colours different shapes emerge.  It certainly showed me the importance of choice of colour, although I will no doubt continue to make lots of mistakes. Sorry,  forgot to crop this photo which means it looks decidedly messy.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

M1 Ch4 Coloured Papers

I've had a lovely time painting papers but do tend to prefer the analogous ones and feel they will be most useful.  No doubt I shall find out in the next chapter.  Having said that, I do find the photo of the red/green papers quite striking.  I also like the 'clinged filmed' papers and the white tissue with paint dropped on (Although that is more time consuming so may be something to remember for special pieces.)



A.4.4 I have only included my favourite 2 pages of my sketchbook as the others will be seen in later chapters.  I did find that waxed paper didn't work, the pages didn't stick but I had made the pages so wet the colours merged too much.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

M1 Ch 3

Here's chapter 3.  I think it's all self explanatory.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

M1.Ch2 More Colours

Had a lovely relaxing time painting all these pictures whilst sitting with my feet up.  Even had my husband fetching all the things I'd forgotten, although I did get more independent as the weeks went on.
Reading Janet's blog I realise I didn't approach EA2 as suggested but it seems to have turned out OK.  Serves me right for not re-reading the instructions before starting.

Is anybody going to SW Embroiderer's day in Frome in a couple of weeks?  I have a friend who is very kindly going to drive so I'm really looking forward to a day out.