Thursday 21 June 2012

M4Ch3 Drawing textures

A lovely chapter to do.
4.3.1 Wax rubbings  I was staying with my sister (Vivienne) when I did this chapter so we had great fun going round her house and garden finding things to rub and now have sheets of them.  Some worked better than others and I especially like the grid ones, air bricks and drains.

E.A. I also now have sheets of colour washed rubbings.  I think my efforts only work as backgrounds and need something more exciting adding.

4.3.2  Looking for texture.  I do love getting out with my camera, this time to Sissinghurst Castle, the sun shone and the spring flowers beautiful.  I also looked through old photos for more but restricted myself to 2 holidays. 

4.3.3 Drawing texture.  This exercise really made me look and think.  I liked using the Sharpies but, of course, pencils were easier to control to give light and dark.  Looking back I can see which things I enjoyed drawing and those I hurried or found difficult. eg. tree moss - hurried, coral - difficult.

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