Friday, 9 September 2011

M2 Ch5 Recycled Papers

2.5.2 Using glue to make recycled papers.
The 3 newspaper sheets I made from a Finnish newspaper. The one with just strips of newprint looks very plain against the others but a very useful background for printing.  The one with assorted papers also has the plastic sewn on withbean string as I was determined it would be included and it didn't want to stick with PVA.

Weaving.  I used an article about the riots for this exercise and was very pleased with the results -the colours and parts of photos which showed.  The big one, on the left uses irregular widths, the one on the right more or less the same.

The weaving from the back didn't look bad either.

2.5.3 Using stitch.  I was disappointed with the machine stitching, although it's better using the patterns, as they don't show up as much as I'd like, even the red.  The addition of tissue helped too.  However I really liked the hand sewing where I could use thicker threads and bigger stitches. (Here only on sketchbook page)

2.5.4 Adding to the surface.  I found some very old texture paste which was rather dry but it was only after doing several sheets it dawned on me that I could add some water.  Then I got on better.  I could definitely see possibilities here for making interesting papers. 

I used acrylic paint for this exercise and definitely preferred using the thick paint to the liquid acrylic I added to the brown bag.  I really liked the way the paint transformed the tin can making a dark zigzag down the page (unexpectedly).  The yellow page had my husband's size 9s across it when it was drying (he couldn't see bright yellow!?)  Actually I feel it added to the page which didn't have enough print left unpainted and I might have added more gouges if I'd got home before it dried!  The orange one is better as more of the background shows through.

Pages from my sketchbook.  The one on the left has words, stitch and acrylic, the one on the right tissue and raffia.  The other side of the raffia had texture paste added too (see texture page photo)
I feel I've added to my repertoire of making pages more interesting with this chapter, now to remember it all and put into practice .