Thursday, 23 June 2011

M2 Ch2 Handwriting

Here is the write up to go with the previous blog.

Not quite sure why I didn't make the charcoal page more exciting!
I like the black and white page better than the all black page which is very bland.  I was trying a new ink which was very pale and I need to experiment more to find out what it will show up on.
The other pages from activity 1 are fairly self explanatory, the one I find most pleasing is the one with candle wax, I could see using that as a background for further work.

The pages for activity 2 were done in remembrance of my sister-in-law who died very recently so I did them for her. I loved the pages in the 'morepork' page, a shame the 2 patterns in the top left are together.  Why do I always prefer the patterns I do that are curvy, as in the 2 coloured pages.

I liked writing round in a circle (activity 3)but was disappointed that the ones going round in a wonky shape soon returned to a circle, even on my second attempt when I deliberately tried to avoid that.

Spent yesterday showing my 5 year old granddaughter how to do the first page of activity 4.  Like most little girls, she's very into writing and loved it.  I was very pleased with how all my pages turned out, too!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

This first page took me right back to year 4 at junior school when we were allowed to progress to a fountain pen once we had mastered a dip pen.  I loved hand writing lessons!
souffle and glaze pens with brusho paint wash, the real colours are much more vibrant.

Monday, 6 June 2011

M2 Ch1 Fantastic Fonts

2.1.1 Find fonts on your computer.  An easy exercise for me because of past experience so a good intro.  I can see the plain sheets as a particularly useful reference. I was disappointed that the tissue paper would go through my printer when firmly stuck to a backing sheet, masking tape just wouldn't do it.  I did like the picture backgrounds though.  The fushia was my photo printed on a draft setting first.

2.1.2 Topsy Turvy Printing.  The black ink over the blue (pale green background) is too heavy.  The blue/green stripey background was made using a new big fan-shaped brush. (I like it!)  The pink background is a mulberry silk paper.

2.1.3 Collecting words and letters.  Pages from my sketch book.

From my postcard collection.
2.1.4 Recycled papers.  Some pages from my collection - junk mail and envelopes, leaflets, recipe cards, envelopes inside and out, newspaper, bags, notes, assorted letters, computer printouts, maps, postcards.